
Historic Pickles

Today, according to Pickle Packers International, Americans consume more than 9 pounds of pickles each year.

While that amount of pickles may surprise modern eyes, it may not have been so surprising to the former residents of Long Branch who held the delectable cured cucumber in high regard.

Ongoing research has not only uncovered Mrs. Hugh M. Nelson’s pickle recipe, but along with a host of other exciting and soon to be announced objects, we are pleased to announce the acquisition of Mrs. Nelson’s pickle crock!

Mrs. Nelson's Pickle Recipe
Mrs. Nelson’s Pickle Recipe

The crock, a fine stoneware piece, came from the private collection of Mrs. Page Wilson, who is a direct descendant of Mrs. Nelson.

Prior to coming to Long Branch, the crock served the humble role of holding Mrs. Wilson’s flowers on her patio.

pickle crock
The original Nelson crock

This year at Long Branch, in our soon to be installed kitchen garden we’ll not only be growing cucumbers – but we plan on making pickles with Mrs. Nelson’s recipe and curing them in a reproduction crock similar to the original.

Check back soon for an announcement on when you might be able to taste a Nelson pickle.

We’re in quite a pickle here at Long Branch and we love it!

-Nicholas Redding, Executive Director

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